
The Annual
Henry Sweet Society Colloquium

3-5 September 2025, Reims (France)

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Call for papers > Open panel 1 Bilingual Lexicography


Open Panel 1

Bilingual lexicography (15002000):
labelling, variation, and standardization


Elizaveta Zimont (elizaveta.zimont@univ-reims.fr)
Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne

Nicola McLelland (nicola.mclelland@nottingham.ac.uk)
University of Nottingham

Keywords: bilingual dictionaries; language variation; language standardization; metalinguistic labelling; language ideologies

Panel description:

We invite contributions examining metalinguistic labelling related to questions of language variation and standardization in the history of bi- and multilingual lexicography (i.e. dictionaries of two or more vernacular languages, including regional and dialect dictionaries). Themes could include, but are not limited to:

  • To what extent doe dictionaries/authors show awareness of language variation?
  • What levels and parameters of language variation (regional, diastratic, diaphasic, diachronic, or other kinds) are taken into account, labelled or emphasized?
  • Does metalinguistic labelling suggest a hierarchization of varieties and variants?
  • To what extent do language ideologies and/or models of language variation coincide with or differ from those in the respective monolingual lexicographical traditions?
  • Can we trace routes of transfer of particular ideologies and/or models of language variation (e.g. standard language ideology, concepts of register and style) from one lexicographical tradition to another?
  • Does labelling imply any prerequisite knowledge on the part of dictionary users?

Proposals should be submitted online (https://hss-2025.sciencesconf.org) by 31 January 2025. Proposals should include:

      • Name
      • Institutional affiliation (if any)
      • Email address
      • Abstract (max. 200 words, written in the language the paper will be presented in)
      • Panel/workshop name

Notification of acceptance will be made by 31 March 2025.

Presentations should not exceed 20 minutes allowing for 10 minutes of discussion.

To submit your proposal, please create an account
and then navigate to "Submit Your Abstract".

Indicative references:

BRAY, Laurent. 2000. Matthias Kramer et la lexicographie du français en Allemagne au XVIIIe siècle: Avec une édition des textes métalexicographiques de Kramer. Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.

CORMIER, Monique C. 2008. 'Usage labels in the Royal Dictionary (1699) by Abel Boyer', International Journal of Lexicography, 21: 153-71.

FERNÁNDEZ URDANETA, Heberto H. 2010. Dictionaries in Spanish and English from 1554 to 1740: Their Structure and Development. [Vertere. Monográficos de la Revista Hermēneus, 12.] Saragossa: Pórtico Librerías, S.A.

GLATIGNY, Michel (ed.) 1990. Les Marques d’usage dans les dictionnaires (XVIIe–XVIIIe siècles). [Lexique 9.] Lille: Presses Universitaires de Lille.

FRĄCZEK, Agnieszka. 1999. Zur Geschichte der deutsch-polnischen und polnisch-deutschen Lexikographie (1772–1868). Tübingen: Niemeyer.

MCLELLAND, Nicola. 2024. 'Language authority, language ideologies, and eighteenth-century bilingual lexicographers of French, German and English: comparing Abel Boyer, Christian Ludwig, and Lewis Chambaud.' In Historical and Sociolinguistic Approaches to French, edited by Janice Carruthers, Mairi-Louise McLaughlin and Olivia Walsh. 181–197. Oxford: OUP.

POLGUÈRE, Alain. 2020. 'Vers une approche systémique des marques d’usage.' In Marques de registre dans les dictionnaires bilingues, edited by Gueorgui Armianov. 3–32. Paris: Presses Inalco.

VOESTE, Anja. 2024. 'Beispiel und Regel im 18. Jahrhundert. Ein Blick in Christian Ludwigs zweisprachige Wörterbücher.' In Schreibarten im Umbruch: Stildiskurse im 18. Jahrhundert, edited by Eva Axer, Annika Hildebrandt, and Kathrin Wittler. [Beihefte der Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie 23]. 143–159. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag.

ZIMONT, Elizaveta. 2020. 'Variation diatopique dans la lexicographie français ↔ néerlandais aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles : réception et usage des marques diatopiques.' In Essays in the history of dialect studies. From ancient Greece to modern dialectology, edited by Raf Van Rooy. 48–67. Münster: Nodus Publikationen.




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